Image Attitude Impression (March 12 – April 9) is a national exhibition juried by Geoffrey Bates who was asked to choose work broadly related to the exhibit’s title.  We’re pleased to have “Supposed To Be Happy” and “Twinkle” included in the show at the Union Street Gallery in Chicago Heights, IL.

Web Image of "Supposed To Be Happy"

Supposed To Be Happy, (18 x 18 inches), Edition of 6, ©2009

Web Image of "Twinkle"

Twinkle, (18 x 18 inches), ©2009

While Dave predominately pursues color and texture in landscapes and abstracts, he also constructs work that explores the human condition. For Dave, creating abstracts and landscapes is similar to composing instrumentals while creating images about people is like composing a song with lyrics.

Both “Supposed To Be Happy” and “Twinkle” represent the masks we often wear to navigate societal demands.  Both images explore different reasons for hiding our identity. But, no matter the reason, mask wearers are striving to leave a contrived impression and are often trying to obscure their purpose and intent.

Union Street Gallery describes Image Attitude Impression as “a broad range of works that address and question identity, role-playing, transformation, masquerade, and relationship. ” The collection “is a complex mix of dark humor, visual puzzles, haunting memories and bizarre dreams.”  We’re proud to have “Supposed To Be Happy” and “Twinkle” in the mix.

We hope to catch the opening reception on Friday, March 12 or the second Friday closing reception on April 9.  Both receptions will be held from 6-9pm.  Please stop by  and view the exhibit if you are in the area.

Union Street Gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 4pm with extended hours on the second Friday night of each month (March 9 and April 9).